ABSTRACT This dissertation provides an assessment of the feasibility of using ISO shipping containers As building components. ISO shipping containers are widely available and as various Pioneers have shown, can be a low cost building resource. The reasons why these units are not widely used in the INDIA is not clear. This document sets out to provide a view of the viability of this medium, together with an identification of problems that have occurred or may occur in implementing their use It is the aim of this paper to show how shipping containers have been used, the methods employed, the locations in which they have been used and their purpose, this encompasses both the India and also considers influences from the global market. The current housing needs of the INDIA is considered and the possibilities of satisfying this need using ISO shipping containers is assessed by means of a survey of existing container structures. This is followed by an analysis of the current INDIA Building Regulations (April06) to identify the technical hurdles involved in container conversion. INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT The idea of using shipping containers as a building component is by no means new, as identifies in his book 'Intermodal Shipping Container Small Steel Buildings', published in 2005. Most shipping container conversions have however been for temporary accommodation needs, for example, storage, emergency shelters and site offices. In North America Sawyers describes "farmers and rural folks" as the pioneers using shipping container as permanent, low-cost structures and states that "Intermodal units have become so prevalent in recent years, they are beginning to turn up in Wyoming, Indiana and other places nowhere near either coast". In the INDIA using ISO shipping containers as a building component to provide more permanent accommodation has only been undertaken by a few people. Initial inspiration for this research was from a series of TV programmes called 'Guerrilla homes' (BBC3 2009) presented by Charlie Luxton, which discussed aspects of low income housing within the INDIA and the problems of getting on to the property ladder, set against the complexities of current town and country planning laws. This programme sparked interest in cheap housing, modular construction and ultimately the conversion of existing steel shipping containers, as had been done in the series to create a "parasite home". Pre-Purchase Inspection Buying containers can be looked at like buying cars. can buy new, or used, from a dealer, or a private party. For the lowest prices, should probably go the used route. A certain amount of searching is usually needed to dig up a really great deal. This is just like looking for a good used car, with the main difference being cars for sale are much more common than containers. It's also harder to get a 'lemon' when buying containers, as they have few mechanical aspects that can suddenly breakdown. Check the ID placards on any container are interested in purchasing. These are sort of like VIN numbers for containers. There are also some possible points of damage that should look at within the structure of the container, prior to buying. Give the container a complete visual inspection. Check for: 1) Cracks, breaks, cuts, tears, punctures, corrosion in corner fitting joints, sidewall joints, and floors cross member structure (pull out a few pieces of the plywood flooring or jack up the container to check the cross members). 2) Missing, cracked, or broken welds at any major structural juncture. 3) Loose or missing fasteners at any major structural juncture. 4) Any deformations such as dents, bends, or bowing. 5) Check for old repairs such as welded on steel patches. 6) Check to make sure that the container is square (see diagram). MATERIAL THAT WE HAVE USED IS UPVC DOORS AND WINDOWS ABOUT UPVC DOORS AND WINDOWS UPVC doors &windows have been in market for long time all over the globe . however ,it has started getting attention in India only since very recently. There is a rising demand for high quality building materials backed up by higher purchase power in the recent times in INDIA. This has given rise to supply of products like upvc windows and doors ,which comes at higher comparison to the traditional products like aluminum and wood doors and windows but also provide features that are incomparable . |
Reference: http://seminarprojects.com/Thread-shipping-containers-architecture-ppt#ixzz2J2EWdQ25
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