- 3D Nature's World Construction Set - photorealistic 3D terrain visualization for cartography, architecture, civil engineering, golf, forestry, land planning
- Archon Engineering - makers of civil, mechanical engineering software, specializing in finite element analysis tools
- ArtiosCAD - structural designing tool, ejection rubber profile modules, by EskoArtwork
- ASCAD - software for civil engineers, land-surveyors that automates implementation production rules for laying out civil engineering drawings, from CADCOM
- ASPEN - analysis of stratified slope stability using limit equilibrium methods, automatic searching of critical slip surface, by NEWSOFT
- AutoCAD Civil 3D - BIM tool for civil engineering design, documentation, land development, water projects (reviews)
- AutoTrack Roads new - entry level vehicle swept path analysis software with built-in 2D animation, path auditing tools, by Savoy Computing
- AutoTURN - CAD-based software for simulating vehicle maneuvers for transportation design, by Transoft Solutions
- AeroTURN - CAD-based software simulation tool used to evaluate aircraft, vehicle movements at airports, by Transoft Solutions
- BalanceNet new - water distribution planning, operations software that helps water utilities to improve distribution system, by Innovyze
- BOSS International - software for groundwater, surface water, terrain modeling, applications for hydrology, wastewater treatment, products include StormNET, RiverCAD
- CAiCE - civil software automation tools for survey, civil design, construction, drainage engineers
- Carlson Software - makers of several AutoCAD-compatible surveying, mining, GIS, civil engineering applications, including SurvCADD, SurvStar, Survey, Fleet Manager Office
- CDS - suite of civil design, survey software for Cogo, contouring, subdivision, roadway design, free 60-day trial, from Foresight Software
- CivilFEM - civil engineering software, for customization of ANSYS finite element program for structural, mine analysis, by Ingeciber
- Civil Designer - integrated data gathering, drawing, surface modeling, design system for civil engineering infrastructure
- Cold-Formed Steel BeamDesign - software to design flexural members of cold-formed steel, following AISI specifications, by DevStruc
- Eagle Point - architectural, civil, construction software, including AutoCAD add-ons
- EDISIS 2000 - static/dynamic analysis of multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings in seismic, non-seismic areas, also available reduced size version Edislim, by NEWSOFT
- ELPLA - analyze, design slab foundations, to determine contact pressures, settlements, moments, shear forces of slab foundations by method of finite elements
- Engineering Software Center - large inventory of civil engineering software for purchase at site, plus shareware, freeware
- engineering-software.com - engineering software store features wide selection of products with downloadable demos of most products, from KRC Technologies Inc
- Ezicad - integrated package for cogo, contour routines, road design, download program for free 14-day tryout
- FloodWorks - software for real-time simulation, forecasting hydrological, hydraulic conditions wit drainage system, river basins, coastal zones, by Innovyze
- Geocomp Systems - makers of software for survey, civil design, volume estimation, setout projects, including Geocomp, GeoCalc, Geonav
- GEOPAK - suite of civil engineering software for surveying, roadway design
- Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Software Directory - lists more than 1,300 programs, plus more than 700 worldwide suppliers, publishers of these programs
- GuidSIGN - for automating design of highway, roadway signs, by Transoft Solutions
- Haestad Methods - computer modeling applications for hydrology, hydraulics, including WaterCAD, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm, Darwin Optimizer for water resources (WaterCAD reviews, CivilStorm reviews)
- Highway Safety Analysis Software - traffic accident studies program includes including data entry, summary by accident categories, collision diagrams, safety benefits evaluation, from X32 Group
- HYDRONET - analysis of hydraulic networks with generic grid, autonomous definition of materials, wearing extent of piping, more, by NEWSOFT
- IcoMap - converts paper land records into vector-based parcel maps, from Extract Systems
- InfoMaster new - esri-based management system, offers water, wastewater utilities with advanced geospatial wet infrastructure asset management approaches, by Innovyze
- InfoSWMM 2D new - fast, accurate, detailed 2D surface modeling software enabling users to model most complex storm, combined sewer collection systems, by Innovyze
- InfoWater - GIS integrated water distribution and modeling software, by Innovyze
- InfoWorks ICM new - modeling platform incorporating both urban and river catchments, allows integration of 1D, 2D hydrodynamic simulation techniques, by Innovyze
- InfoWorks RS - software service for simulating flows in river channels, floodplains, by Innovyze
- Inlet Master - hydraulic program to help design, analyze performance of storm drain Inlets, which allows analysis of complete network of inlets, from AMC
- Innovyze (formerly MWH Software) - software for water industry, including data management, network modeling software to support planning, operations in water distribution, sewerage provision, river management, coastal engineering
- InRoads - handles multiple aspect of civil engineering projects including road design, corridor design, road widening, road resurfacing, landfill design, building site design, by Bentley
- InspectTech new - software for management of assets, offers advanced inspection modules to enhance AASHTOWare BrM’s existing inspection interface, by Bentley
- MWH Software - creators of water distribution software, InfoWorks WS, InfoWater, InfoSurge, H2OSURGE
- ParkCAD - CAD-based software for generating conceptual parking lot designs, doing what-if scenarios, by Transoft Solutions
- PGSuper - can be used to design, check precast-prestressed girder bridges in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification. Free
- Pizer - makers of HYDRA, hydraulic analysis, design, management software for storm, sanitary, combined sewer systems, EARTH, earthwork cut, fill calculation software
- POR 2000 - analysis of masonry-built constructions with overall testing framework for planning, more, by NEWSOFT
- Quantm - route optimization technology for rail, road engineers
- RISA 3D - structural engineering, designing software for frame, truss, plate, shell analysis, design, by RISA Technologies
- Rockmate Technical Services - makers of software for environment, vehicle tracking, surveying, security, explosives, extractive industries
- RockWare - makers of more than 200 applications for geological, hydrological, other related earth-science disciplines
- SCADAMaster new - real-time network data management tool for water distribution and sewer collection systems, by Innovyze
- SiteComp - stand-alone surveying, civil engineering software provides for contouring, legal description writing, site, road, utility design, is compatible with DWG, DGN, DXF, ASCII formats, from SiteComp
- SOLAIO 2000 - analysis, design of brick-cement floor slabs with parallel ribs, executive design of reinforcement, by NEWSOFT
- SPLASHS With Ripple-Thru - relationship-based design software for civil engineers, teams designing roads, sites, sewer lines, storm drains
- Surveyor 3D - native COGO, contouring, works inside General CADD
- Trelligence Affinity - extension for BIM, tool for architectural planning, schematic design, by Trelligence
- TRUSS 2000 - analysis of planar/spatial truss structures, elastic, instability testing of single bar/whole structure, evaluating loss of bearer capacity, more, by NEWSOFT
- Topocad - CAD program for surveying, design, engineering, mapping, from Chaos Systems
- VAG UseCAD - offline utility for VAG product users, tool for planning projects in water, sewage management
- VisionCivil - software with DTM, COGO to visualize terrain from different angles, apply triangulation method, produce profiles, sections plans, pipes network, by Geo-Plus
- WaterGEMS - water distribution modeling, management application with ArcGIS, AutoCAD, MicroStation environments interoperability, by Bentley
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