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24 December 2013

Greeting to Earn 10000$ per Month From NeoBux

By : Unknown
On : 05:21
In :

Greetings Online Income Seeker!
 Welcome to my Neobux review. You may of heard of Neobux before, maybe you’re already a member, if so, then you know what you are a part of.
The truth is, in all honesty – Neobux is 100% legit, and has been since it was established back in 2008.
Neobux is a great, simplistic online money generator. It is absolutely not a “scam” in any way, shape, or form. It’s an amazing innovative way to generate some serious income and you are able to withdraw your funds with ease.
The NeoBux platform is already established and has been proven to be a true money maker. Now it’s up to you to use it. A positive mindset and some patience is all it takes to prosper with Neobux.
Neobux is a paid to click business where you earn money simply by viewing advertisements. Ads are available every day and you get paid from $0.001 – $0.020 depending on the ads that you view. There are 4 different types of ads – Micro Exposure, Mini Exposure, Extended Exposure, and Standard Exposure.
Now the way to earn big money with Neobux, is by, renting referralsYou can actually rent referrals that come in packs. From a 3 referral pack that costs $0.60 to a 100 referral pack that costs $20.00. (You can rent beyond 100 referrals when you upgrade to Golden, Ultimate, etc..)You rent referrals for 30 days, and you can always extend them for periods in 15 days blocks or daily using AutoPay. Autopay is a must, since you will be able to save more money when Autopay is enabled.
So anyway, you get credited when your referrals click their ads, anywhere from $0.0100 – $0.0050 depending on the type of ads they click and the amount of ads they view. So basically, these referrals are working for you, and vice versa. The greatest thing for me about Neobux, is that you can rent referrals instead of having to try and get people yourself to sign up to Neobux. Of course you can do that, that’s even better, but it’s not necessary as long as you are active and manage your rented referrals.
(Important: In order to get credited for your referrals clicks, you must at least view 4 ads daily, going by the Neobux time-server and you must view the orange fixed advertisementsextended or exposure advertisements.)
When you first become a Neobux member, you receive a standard membership, which is free of course. You can eventually upgrade to Golden membership for $90/annually. That price might be a bit steep, however you will earn much more! You can build $90 in your main balance over time. The more rented referrals you obtain over time, the quicker you will reach $90. This way, you don’t need to invest out of your own money, which is a common strategy that a lot of Neobux members use. Once upgraded to golden, the magic starts to happen and you can start earning up to $60 a day or more!
The key is to upgrade to golden membership and obtain 2000 rented referrals. You must need patience in the Neobux game, because most people don’t have patience and give up on Neobux, when many people are already earning thousands a month.
You can definitely make a substantial amount of money on a monthly basis as you can see from the images. PayPal, Payza, and Neteller are the payment processors that Neobux uses. I personally use PayPal, it’s quick and you can withdraw daily, minimum is $2.00. But, I’m looking to withdraw $50 and beyond daily, as I hope that sounds good to you too.
There is even an ultimate upgrade option that can enable you to earn even more over $120+/day!!! When you upgrade to an Ultimate membership, Neobux enables you to rent up to 4000 referrals, and now were talking up $120/day or more that you can absolutely earn.
Do You Have Patience and Vision?
As a Neobux member, you have a “main balance” account and a “rental balance” account. The rental balance is strictly for maintaining your rented referrals.
You must understand that you will get referrals who click a few times through out the first days or weeks, and then later on through out the month, they become inactive. These are referrals that you can actually recycle. Neobux allows you to get rid of your inactive referrals and get a different one for $0.07. That would come out of your rental balance, such as extending your referrals for longer periods of time. So you have this rental balance to manage your business (rented referrals).
Your main balance is where you withdraw your money from, and can be used if you don’t have enough money in your rental balance to maintain your rented referrals. You can always transfer funds from your main balance to your rental balance, if you are running low in your rental balance. NeoBux is pure flexibility!
Neobux is king of ptc sites. I had signed up back in 2008, and I realized the potential for making money from Neobux, however my account got disabled due to being inactive. (Yes, Neobux will disable your account if you become inactive, or if you just haven’t signed in for a long period of time.) This is why Neobux works! It’s built around an active community. I signed up again back in October of 2012, and I’m on the right path with the right mindset to really generate some income :-)
What I love about Neobux is the way it is structured and the flexibility of options that you have, and yet it is the simplest website layout I have ever seen. Simple but powerful.
Now, you can start off by not investing a single penny, and you can reach your financial goals with Neobux, but you would need patience (it is totally worth it). Or you can jump-start your Neobux business by investing what you can  (even more worth it,imo). You would still need some patience since you need to manage your rented referrals, which really only takes minutes. Of course once you reach 2000 referrals, you might need 30-45 minutes of your time for maintenance. For $50/day, 30 minutes of my time? It’s a no brainer to me.
By the way, Neobux makes it easy for you to manage your rented referrals, and explains how it all works with their simplified faq and >>help<< options.
Thank you for reading into this Neobux review. Hopefully this attempt of trying to break down a quick overview of Neobux was not too confusing, and that you have a better sense of this business. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. There are many sites out there (paid-to-click) like Neobux, but I just stick with Neobux due to its reliability, structure, and sustainability.


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Greeting to Earn 10000$ per Month From NeoBux