Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer C.P.Kothandaraman

Author(s) : C.P. Kothandaraman
Publisher : New Age International Publishers
Edition : third
Pages : 729
Size : 12 Mb
Book Description :
About the Book: Salient features: A number of Complex problems along with the solutions are provided Objective type questions for self-evaluation and better understanding of the subject Problems related to the practical aspects of the subject have been worked out Checking the authenticity of dimensional homogeneity in case of all derived equations Validation of numerical solutions by cross checking Plenty of graded exercise problems from simple to complex situations are included Variety of questions have been included for the clear grasping of the basic principles Redrawing of all the figures for more clarity and understanding Radiation shape factor charts and Heisler charts have also been included Essential tables are included The basic topics have been elaborately discussed Presented in a more better and fresher way Contents: An Overview of Heat Transfer Steady State Conduction Conduction with Heat Generation Heat Transfer with Extended Surfaces (FINS) Two Dimensional Steady Heat Conduction Transient Heat Conduction Convection Convective Heat Transfer Practical Correlation Flow Over Surfaces Forced Convection Natural Convection Phase Change Processes Boiling, Condensation, Freezing and Melting Heat Exchangers Thermal Radiation Mass Transfer.
Book Description :
About the Book: Salient features: A number of Complex problems along with the solutions are provided Objective type questions for self-evaluation and better understanding of the subject Problems related to the practical aspects of the subject have been worked out Checking the authenticity of dimensional homogeneity in case of all derived equations Validation of numerical solutions by cross checking Plenty of graded exercise problems from simple to complex situations are included Variety of questions have been included for the clear grasping of the basic principles Redrawing of all the figures for more clarity and understanding Radiation shape factor charts and Heisler charts have also been included Essential tables are included The basic topics have been elaborately discussed Presented in a more better and fresher way Contents: An Overview of Heat Transfer Steady State Conduction Conduction with Heat Generation Heat Transfer with Extended Surfaces (FINS) Two Dimensional Steady Heat Conduction Transient Heat Conduction Convection Convective Heat Transfer Practical Correlation Flow Over Surfaces Forced Convection Natural Convection Phase Change Processes Boiling, Condensation, Freezing and Melting Heat Exchangers Thermal Radiation Mass Transfer.
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