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3 September 2013

Reinforced Concrete Design by Pillai & Menon

By : Unknown
On : 09:30
1. Reinforced Concrete Structures
2. Basic Material Properties
3. Basic Design Concepts
4. Behaviour in Flexure
5. Design of Beams and One-way Slabs for Flexure
6. Design for Shear
7. Design for Torsion
8. Design for Bond
9. Analysis for Design Moments in Continuous Systems
10. Serviceability Limit States : Deflection and Cracking
11. Design of Two-way Slab Systems
12. Design of Staircases
13. Design of Compression Members
14. Design of Footings and Retaining Walls
15. Good Detailing and Construction Practices
16. Special Provisions for Earthquake-Resistant DesigN
17. Selected Special Topics
Appendix A : Analysis and Design Aids
Appendix B : General Data for Dead Loads and Live Loads

Reinforced Concrete Design by Pillai & Menon
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Reinforced Concrete Design by Pillai & Menon