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25 September 2013

Do It Yourself Home Networking Projects - Jim Aspinwall

By : Unknown
On : 21:00

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You may be thinking that home networking is so ubiquitous there could not possibly be anything new or different to do with this interconnected marvel of now everyday technology. You can surf the Web on any of two to three PCs, upload and download photos, fill an MP3 player to the brim, and chat with your friends and family via IM—what more could you want? I’ve learned from a lot of my friends and co-workers that indeed, that’s about all they can do with their home network now. But they also know about file sharing, printer sharing, wireless, voice chats, and webcams, and think they’ll set up those “pretty soon”—until they hear someone else has hit a snag in their efforts to do more, and then they stop. 
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Do It Yourself Home Networking Projects - Jim Aspinwall