Product Description
The widespread use of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques in engineering has made their understanding and mastery vital for today's electrical and electronic engineer. Aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practical implementation, this book provides a thorough understanding of the principles and applications of DSP. The mathematical content has been reduced to what is essential and useful. Providing insight and practical guidance throughout, the book shows how DSP techniques can be used to design engineering systems.
From the Inside Flap
Purpose of this bookThis book was born out of our experience in teaching practically oriented courses in digital signal processing (DSP) to undergraduate students at theUniversity of Plymouth and the Sheffield Hallam University, and to application engineers in industry for many years. It appeared to us that many of the availabletextbooks were either too elementary or too theoretical to be of practical use for undergraduates or application engineers in industry. As most readers will know from experience, the gap between learning the fundamentals in any subject and actuallyapplying them is quite wide. We therefore decided to write this book which we believe undergraduates will understand and appreciate and which will equip them to undertake practical digital signal processing assignments and projects. We also believe that higher degree students and practising engineers and scientists will find this text most useful.Our own research work over the last two decades in applied DSP has also inspired the contents, by identifying practical issues for discussion and presentation to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical implementation, and by suggesting application examples, case studies, and problems.
The current great interest and developments in DSP both in industry and academia are likely to continue for the foreseeable future. The availability of numerous digital signal processors recognizes the commercial potential of DSP. Its major attraction lies in the ability to achieve guaranteed accuracy and perfect reproducibility, and in its inherent flexibility compared with analogue signal processing. In industry, many engineers lack the necessary knowledge and expertise in DSP to utilize the immense potential of the very powerful digital signal processors now available off the shelf. This book provides insight and practical guidance to enable engineers to design and develop practical DSP systems using these devices.
In academia, DSP is generally regarded as one of the more mathematical topics in the electrical engineering curriculum, and based on our experiences of teaching we have reduces the mathematical content to what we consider useful, essential, and interesting; we have also emphasized points of difficulty. Our experiences indicate thatstudents learn best if they are aware of the practical relevance of a subject, and while more theoretical texts are essential for completeness and reference as the student matures in the subject, we believe in producing graduates equipped also with practical knowledge and skills. This book was written with these considerations in mind.
The book is not a comprehensive text on DSP, but it covers most aspects of the subject found in undergraduate electrical, electronic or communication engineering degree courses. A number of DSP techniques which are of particular relevance to industry are also covered and in a few years, we believe, these will find their way into undergraduate curricula. These include techniques such as adaptive filtering and multirate processing.
The emphasis throughout the book is on the practical aspects of DSP. C language programs are provided to enable readers to explore the concepts presented in the book, to design and analyse their own DSP systems, and to gain a deeper understanding of DSP.
Commercial DSP software is available and plays a key role in the design and analysis of DSP systems. However, with most commercial software, it is difficult actually to find out or follow how a given operation is performed. The programs given in this book are useful in verifying results obtained manually. For example, by inserting break points the user can check the intermediate results of computation and follow the way the computation is made. Having acquired a sound knowledge of the principles, commercial software packages with good graphics support and user-friendly interfaces may then be used in most designs.