ADINA (Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis) - a versatile program that works on the basis of the finite element method used for the engineering of linear and non-linear calculations. ADINA can solve the structural and thermal problems, count for, conduct multifizicheskie and electrostatic simulation. Implementation of the program in the development or production of a product is the best solution to reduce the cost of production of prototypes and shorten the time of testing. Modern computational methods underlying the programADINA , distinguish it from other programs due to accurate and reliable results for solving nonlinear problems.
Key features of the package
Key features of the package
- Linear analysis of structures.
- Vysokonelineynyh analysis of structures.
- Thermal analysis.
- Hydrodynamics.
- The interaction of flows with designs.
- ADINA package consists of the following modules:.
- ADINA Structures - calculation module static and dynamic strength of solids and structures. This calculation can be performed both in the linear and in vysokonelineynyh formulation based material nonlinearity greaterdeformation and contact.
- ADINA CFD - software package for the simulation of compressible and incompressible fluid using finite volume andfinite element discretization.
- ADINA Thermal - a software module for the solution of heat transfer problems in solids and structures.
- ADINA-FSI - a module designed to analyze the interaction of flow and design, and possibly consideration vysokonelineynyh material behavior due to large displacements, inelasticity, contact and temperature dependence.
- ADINA-TMC - software module, intended for solving problems associated termoprochnostnoy when thermal conditions affect the strength and vice versa.
- ADINA User Interface (AUI) - pre-and postprocessing module, enabling you to create and edit geometry and finite-element models and to visualize the results of the calculation.Compatible with all modules of the complex.
- ADINA Modeler (ADINA M) - built-in AUI module using graphics core Parasolid and provides solid modeling and direct interaction with other CAD -systems using Parasolid (Unigraphics , SolidWorks , Solid Edge ).
- TRANSOR for I-DEAS, Patran - a module that gives the ability to import in ADINA and export of ADINA data file I-DEAS and MSC.Patran
ADINA v8.9.0