Earthquake Related Projects - Earthquake vibration control using modified frame-shear wall
- Advanced Earthquake Resistant Techniques
- Seismic isolation devices
- Energy dissipation devices for seismic design.
- Reservoir induced seismcity
- Failure of foundation due to earthquake
Surveying & Levelling - Advance Technology in Surveying
- Development Of Remote Monitoring System For Civil Engineering
Engineering Materials  - Smart materials
- Basalt rock fibre (brf)
- Cellular Lightweight Concrete
- Mineral admixtures for high performance concrete
- Glass fiber reinforced concrete
- Geosynthetics
- Bamboo as a building material
- Silica fume concrete
- Fly-ash concrete pavement
- Non-destructive testing of concrete
Building Construction  - Causes Prevention and Repair of Cracks In Building
- Rehabilitation techniques.
- Stability of high rise buildings.
- Corrosion Mechanism, Prevention & Repair Measures of RCC Structure
- Analysis for seismic retrofitting of buildings
- Collapse of World Trade Center
- Advance construction techniques
- The rain roof water-harvesting system
- Formwork types & design
- Rectification of building tilt
- Space hotel
- Retrofitting using frp laminates
- Green buildings
- Passive solar energy buildings
- Zero energy buildings
- Impact of lightening on building and remedial measures
- Laminated floorings
Highway & Transportation Engineering - Advanced Pavement Design
- Intelligent transport system
- Flexible pavement
- Rural road development
- Highway safety
- Mixed traffic control & behavior continuously reinforced concrete pavement
- Automated highway systems
Environmental Engineering - Sewage treatment plant
- Air pollution & its control
- Marine pollution
- Logistic management of solid waste
- E – waste disposal
- Environmental Impact Assessment
Softwares And Computer applications  - Computer Application In Civil Engineering-ANN
- GIS, GPS and its applications
- Arsenic Removal From Ground Water By Coagulation Process Concrete Cube Testing - A Neural Network Approach, Using MATLAB 6.0
- Geometry Optimization of Space Frame Structures
- Application of remote sensing & g.i.s. in groundwater prospecting
- Application of software in civil engineering industry
Irrigation & Water Resources Engineering  - Watershed management
- Water resources engineering
- Interlinking of rivers
- Hydraulic & Hydrological impacts on Bridges
Soil Mechanics & GeoTechnical Engineering - Soil Liquefaction
- Ready mix concrete plants
- Pile foundation
- Improvement of bearing capacity of sandy soil by grouting
- Ground improvement technique
- Use of plastic as soil stabilizer
- Erosion control in slope
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