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18 December 2013

MECHATRONICS-An Introduction

By : Unknown
On : 04:03
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Mechatronics is a design process that includes a combination of mechanical engineeringelectrical engineeringcontrol engineering and computer engineering. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering, that is to say, it rejects splitting engineering into separate disciplines. Originally, mechatronics just included the combination of mechanics and electronics, hence the word is a combination of mechanics and electronics; however, as technical systems have become more and more complex the word has been "updated" during recent years to include more technical areas.
French standard NF E 01-010 gives the following definition: “approach aiming at the synergistic integration of mechanics, electronics, control theory, and computer science within product design and manufacturing, in order to improve and/or optimize its functionality".
Many people treat "mechatronics" as a modern buzzword synonymous with "electromechanical engineering". However, other people draw a distinction between an "electromechanical component"—does not include a computer; anelectro-mechanical computer (such as the Z4)—does not include an electronic computer; vs. a "mechatronic system"—a computer-controlled mechanical system, including both an electronic computer and electromechanical components.
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MECHATRONICS-An Introduction