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15 December 2013

Bentley LARS Bridge

By : Unknown
On : 20:30

Integrated Bridge Load-Rating Analysis and Modeling

LARS Bridge and LARS are companion solutions for bridge load-rating calculation, analysis, and analytical modeling for existing and planned bridges. The software interoperates seamlessly to handle the most common bridge types-single or continuous span. BridgeModeler provides a full toolset for easy graphical modeling and analysis of bridge load ratings. LARS is a load-analysis engine that calculates and analyzes load rates.

Key Features
LARS Bridge and LARS Features
• Easy-to-use Windows interface
• Model definition using graphical tools that provide instant feedback
• Bridge model components, including cross section components, loads, and stirrup placement, located using a unique parametricreferencing scheme
• Reduced model-preparation time
• Supports field-inspection activities
• Supports design of new bridges
• Supports management of text and graphics data (digital photographs)
• Modeling of defects in existing bridges
• Allowable stress customization for all material types

Member Information
• Member ID
• Member type
• Flexural
• Truss
• Member function
• Longitudinal Deck
• Longitudinal -thru, top
• Longitudinal - thru, bottom
• Floor beam - interior
• Floor beam - cantilevered
• Floor beam - end
• Truss (simple span and continuous/cantilever span)
• Live load distribution factors
• Max. / min. impact factors for:
• Inventory
• Operating
• Posting
• Special
• Copy-member feature
• Member-symmetry feature

• Structural steel
• Hybrid steel
• Composite steel and concrete
• Composite hybrid steel and concrete
• Prestressed concrete
• Composite prestressed concrete
• Reinforced concrete
• Timber

Structure Configuration
• Up to 20 spans
• Simple and continuous span
• Fixed or pinned ends (left, right, or both)
• Hinges at any location

Bridge Types
• Steel (composite and noncomposite)
• Pre-stressed (composite and non-composite)
• Reinforced concrete
• Continuous trusses
• Cantilever trusses
• Simple span trusses
• Timber
• Up to 20 spans

Member Section Definition
• BridgeModeler uses unique parametric referencing scheme to model bridge components
• Steel sections built up with plates or standard sections from library
• Add multiple cover plates to built up section or standard section
• Prestressed concrete sections include rectangular and I-sections or standard sections from library
• Reinforced concrete sections include rectangular, T-beam, or I-beam
• Built in rebar sizes
• Timber sections
• Sections can include defects and deterioration
• Shear reinforcement using stirrups or bent up bars
• Lateral bracing and stiffeners (including longitudinal stiffeners)

Rating Analysis
• ASD, LFD and LRFD using latest AASHTO specifications.

Rating Positions
• Default checkpoints
• Multiple exact checkpoints at any location
• Separate rating checkpoints for shear, moment, or both

Superimposed Loads
• Concentrated loads
• Uniform loads at any location on a member
• Nonuniform load at any location on a member

Graphic Results Output
• Moment envelopes for selected member by rating type (Inventory, Operating, or Posting) showing:
o Dead load moment
o Superimposed dead load moment
o Live load + impact moment
o Available moment capacity for top positive, top negative, bottom
positive, and bottom negative conditions.
• Shear envelopes for selected member by rating type (Inventory, Operating, or Posting) showing:
o Dead load shear
o Superimposed dead load shear
o Live load and impact shear
o Available shear capacity
o Top positive, top negative, bottom positive, and bottom negative
• Moment and shear influence lines at any checkpoint
• Hardcopy laser printer plot

LARS Report Output
• Flexural tabular reports
• Flexural detail reports at default checkpoints
• Flexural detail report at all checkpoints (tenth points and user specified locations)
• Flexural summary

Bentley LARS Bridge
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Bentley LARS Bridge