- ACI Materials Journal
- Applied Acoustics
- ASTM Standardization News
- Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- ByggForskning
- Concrete International
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Environmental Geology
- Extremes
- First Break
- Geology Today
- Geophysical Prospecting
- Holzforschung
- ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Journal
- International Journal of Computer-Integrated Design and Construction
- International Journal of Project Management
- International Journal of Water Resources Development
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- Journal of Architectural Engineering
- Journal of Bridge Engineering
- Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
- Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
- Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
- Journal of Engineering Mechanics
- Journal of Environmental Engineering
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
- Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
- Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
- Journal of Infrastructure Systems
- Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- Journal of Management in Engineering
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
- Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
- Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
- Journal of Public Transportation
- Journal of Structural Engineering
- Journal of Surveying Engineering
- Journal of Transportation Engineering
- Journal of Urban Planning and
Development - Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
- Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
- Journal of Wood Science
- The Leading Edge
- Materials Technology
- Meccanica
- Natural Hazards
- Natural Hazards Review
- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
- Public Roads
- Research in Engineering Design
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- Soil Science
- Strassenverkehrstechnik(Non English)
- Water Resources Management
- Wood and Fiber Science Journal
- Wood Design Focus
- Wood Science and Technology