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25 September 2013


By : Unknown
On : 21:34
In :

             Ebook Size :  7 MB

             Download : Physics FOR DUMMIES.pdf

Physics is the study of your world and the world and universe around
you. You may think of physics as a burden — an obligation placed on
you in school, mostly to be nasty — but it isn’t like that. Physics is a study
that you undertake naturally from the moment you open your eyes.
Nothing falls beyond the scope of physics; it’s an all-encompassing science.
You can study various aspects of the natural world, and, accordingly, you can
study different fields in physics: the physics of objects in motion, of forces, of
electricity, of magnetism, of what happens when you start going nearly as fast
as the speed of light, and so on. You enjoy the study of all these topics and
many more in this book.
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