Author: Alain Trottier
Publisher: Paraglyph Press; 1 edition
Date: August 2002
Format: pdf
Language: English
ISBN10: 1932111662
Page: 440
ISBN13: 978-1932111668
Description :
Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book By Alain Trottier
The focus of this book is on the core Java language as implemented by the new version of Java, version 1.4. The book features a logical, sequential approach with concise overviews, then step-by-step immediate solutions created by a master Java programmer. This book is also packed with over 150 code listings which can be used as is or quickly modified.
Alain Trottier observes the .com warfare of Southern California as a technology management consultant (Strategic Business Resources) and an adjunct professor at Vanguard University. He has been in the tech sector for two decades. On the electronics side, he has worked with RF gear, nuclear power plants, and electromechanical devices. On the IT side, he has held roles as a technologist, a developer support specialist, a programmer, an architect, and a manager. Alain got a kick out of being in the U.S. Submarine Navy (nuclear power division), and he was impressed with his bosses at Chevron’s world-class research center. He was astonished by the .com bubble while at Adforce and then Winfire, where he experienced a meteoric IPO and then a subsequent flameout. He has been through a get-it-right-at-all-cost experience in a Fortune 30 company, and he also has witnessed the other extreme, in which one bets it all on a get-it-out-there-at-no-cost venture.
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