FE-Tab is a finite element analysis application that may be used to carry out structural finite element analyses on smart phones and tablets which powered by Android OS. This version of Fe-Tab allows for linear static analysis of,
- 1 dimensional truss structures
- 2 dimensional truss structures
- 1 dimensional beams (pure bending)
- 1D and 2D Truss elements
- 1D beam element
- Constraints allowed on each node
- Point loads allowed on each node
- Moments allowed on each node for beam elements
- Distributed force on beam elements
FE Tabhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ie.jion.fetab&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImllLmppb24uZmV0YWIiXQ