Book Name:Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates, Expert Consult free ebook download
Author:Edmund S. Cibas and others|Publisher:Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition
ISBN: 1416053298 | 552 pages | pdf | 50.08 MB
It has been 5 years since the publication of the second edition of Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates. Since then, cytology has continued to grow and evolve as a subspecialty devoted to the diagnosis of cellular tissue obtained by minimally invasive methods (scraping, brushing, aspiration, etc.), and thus the need for this updated edition. But we have retained many of the qualities of the prior editions. As did the first two, this edition aims to be concise yet comprehensive. We have emphasized brevity and clarity. The text is grounded firmly in an understanding of surgical pathology and current diagnostic terminology.
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