This book presents current world thinking on the design and construction of large covered spaces. By drawing together contributions on particular design issues from internationally renowned projects directly from the designers, architects and engineers responsible for those schemes, readers are offered insights into many of the most innovative construction design projects of recent years.
Technologies explored include the advances within stressed membrane roofing, atria and glass structures, with a focus on international developments. The book also addresses the problems of construction associated with these ambitious and vast projects and the attendant environmental issues and concerns that are raised with such high-profile schemes.
This book is an essential addition to the literature in the field of progressive construction design and will appeal broadly to architects, engineers, environmentalists, designers and constructors.
Technologies explored include the advances within stressed membrane roofing, atria and glass structures, with a focus on international developments. The book also addresses the problems of construction associated with these ambitious and vast projects and the attendant environmental issues and concerns that are raised with such high-profile schemes.
This book is an essential addition to the literature in the field of progressive construction design and will appeal broadly to architects, engineers, environmentalists, designers and constructors.
Widespan Roof Structures