purpose of this manual is to describe and detail standard repair
procedures for defects commonly found in bridges owned and maintained by
ARTC. Both new procedures and those that have been previously used
successfully on ARTC's bridges are included.
Several advantages result from standardizing repair procedures:
DownloadSeveral advantages result from standardizing repair procedures:
- The standard repair procedures included have been developed to be both structurally sound and practically achievable. Adherence to standard repair procedures reduces the incidence of inappropriate and ineffective repairs and repairs that have adverse effects on the bridge.
- Repairs will be undertaken in a consistent fashion throughout ARTC, whether carried out by day labour or under contract.
- The engineering input into detailing sound repairs is minimised and duplication of effort in developing repair procedures is avoided.
- The cumulative knowledge and experience gained in carrying out repairs can be incorporated into the repair procedures and details. This is an effective
- means of passing on the knowledge.
- Relevant engineering information about the repair procedures is included in the manual to assist those responsible for selecting appropriate repair action.
Repair Manual for Concrete Bridge Elements