Water and Wastewater Technology 7th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Mark J. Hammer provides complete coverage water processing principles and modern management practices, but now integrates a new emphasis on sustainability throughout. Extensive use of charts, diagrams, and tables makes the mathematics more accessible.
This book provides the fundamental principles and management practices in water processing, water distribution, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, sludge processing, and water reuse. All major systems and operations are covered concisely yet comprehensively and are reinforced with numerous homework problems, example problems and sample calculations.
Introductory chapters provide a review of pertinent aspects of chemistry, biology, hydraulics and hydrology, and prepare students for the subsequent material on water supply, wastewater disposal, and water quality. It supplies students with the necessary background information essential for understanding the chapters on water supply, wastewater disposal, and water quality. It reinforces key material and encourages the application of concepts in a real-world context.
This text offers comprehensive coverage of topics such as water processing, distribution, wastewater collection, conventional and advanced wastewater treatment, sludge processing, new technologies, water supply and water sustainability woven throughout. There is also coverage of energy reduction opportunity, and other processes important to water sustainability with extensive use of illustrations to explain concepts and demonstrate modern equipment and facilities.
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