1. INTRODUCTION: Geoinformatics- definition, disciplines covered, importance. Field Surveying- definition & objectives; concept of Geoid and reference spheroids, coordinate systems, plane and geodetic surveys. Methods of location of a point- classification of surveys; principles of surveying Errors in measurements- sources, types of errors and their treatment. Random error distribution, accuracy, precision and uncertainty. Surveying instruments- temporary and permanent adjustment concept, principle of reversal. Maps- types, importance, scales/CI, conventional symbols, and generalization; topographic mapsmap projection systems, sheet numbering systems, map layout ———8
2. LINEAR MEASUREMENTS: Direct and indirect methods; Chain and tape measurements- corrections to tape measurements; Optical methods- tacheometers, sub tense bar; Electronic methods- EDMs, total stations. ———4
3. MEASUREMENT OF ELEVATIONS: Various terms; Methods of height determination; Spirit leveling- different types of levels and staves; booking and reduction of data, classification and permissible closing error; profile leveling and cross sectioning; curvature & refraction and collimation errors; reciprocal leveling.——— 7 Contours- characteristics, uses and methods of contouring.
4. MEASUREMENT OF DIRECTIONS: Bearings and angles; Compass surveying- magnetic bearings, declination, local attraction errors and adjustments; Theodolites- different types, uses, methods of observation and booking of data.——— 4
5. TRAVERSING, TRIANGULATION AND TRILATERATION: Purpose and classification of each; Compass and theologize traverses- balancing of traverses, computation of coordinates, omitted measurements. Triangulation- network, strength of figures, field work- racy, selection of stations, inter-visibility, satellite stations, measurements and computations; trigonometrical leveling.——— 7
6. PLANE TABLING: Merits and demerits, accessories; orientation and resection; methods of plane tabling; three point problem and solutions; errors in plane tabling.———3
7. ADJUSTMENT COMPUTATIONS: Propagation of errors, variance and covariance; Least squares principle and adjustment of field survey data by parametric and condition equation methods.———5
8. PROJECT SURVEYS: Engineering project surveys- requirements and specifications, various stages of survey work Setting out of works- buildings, culverts and simple circular curves.———2
Surveying Vol. 1,2 &3 by KR Arora; BC Punmia; KK Rampal, (Indian authors) Clarke &Cladenning; Moffit; Brinker and Wolf; W. Schofield; Norman Thomas; E Mikhail and Gracie; PR Wolf (Foreign authors) |