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26 February 2013

Construction Stakeholder Management, Ezekiel Chinyio

By : Unknown
On : 15:45

Construction Stakeholder Management 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Ezekiel Chinyio and Paul Olomolaiye capture best practice in construction stakeholder management using a range of international case studies. It demonstrates stakeholder mapping, presents the power/interest matrix and analyses a model for the timely engagement of stakeholders.

The increased use of partnering and other relational forms of contracting have underlined the need for project participants to work together and also to be aware of all those who can affect or be affected by a project and its associated developments. Stakeholder management enables them to see this wider picture and provides guidance for managing the diverse views and interests that can manifest in the course of a project’s life.

Many construction disputes and court cases can be avoided if a mutual stakeholder management approach is adopted by the parties. Dispute resolution tactics including legal proceedings are a reactive way of settling things; whereas stakeholder management is a proactive approach that prevents things going wrong in the first place.

Increased use of partnering and other relational forms of contracting have emphasized the need for project participants to work together and stakeholder management enables them to see the wider picture. The text is essential reading for practitioners and students studying construction-related courses at master level. Therefore, it should make a very useful addition to libraries of the targeted readers.

All construction projects have the potential for conflicts of interest that can result in costly and damaging legal proceedings. This new book advocates an alternative to dispute resolution that is proactive, practical and global in its application. This book is therefore an essential text for advanced students, lecturers, researchers and practitioners in the built environment.

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Construction Stakeholder Management, Ezekiel Chinyio