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11 July 2013

IBC 2006 Seismic Calculation and Seismic Loading Analysis Spreadsheet

By : Unknown
On : 15:21

The IBC 2006 Seismic Calc contains three worksheets 1): Base shear calculation using the Equivalent Lateral Force Method IBC 2006 and ASCE 7-05
2): Seismic Vertical Force Dsitribution based on the IBC 2006 and ASCE 7-05
3): Rigid Diaphragm Horizontal Distribution based on IBC 2006 and ASCE 7-05

Seismic Loading Analysis Spreadsheet
IBC2009E is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of seismic loading analysis for buildings and various nonbuilding structures, as well as architectural, mechanical, and electrical components per the IBC 2009 and ASCE 7-05 Codes. Specifically, the total base seismic shear for buildings and nonbuilding structures is calculated. For Multi-Level Buildings, the vertical distribution of the total seismic shear is also determined, and a drift analysis can also be performed.. The seismic restraint force for various components is also calculated. Seismic maps are also included.
This program is a workbook consisting of thirteen (13) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet NameDescription
DocDocumentation sheet
Single-Level Bldg.Seismic base shear for single-level buildings
Multi-Level Bldg.Seismic base shear and vertical shear distribution for multi-level buildings
Multi-Level Bldg. (Drift)Seismic story drift analysis for multi-level buildings
Vert. Tank or VesselSeismic base shear and overturning moment for vertical tanks/vessels
Nonbldg. Struct.Seismic base shear for nonbuilding structures
Arch. ComponentsSeismic forces for architectural components
M & E ComponentsSeismic forces for mechanical and electrical components
2002 USGS Maps for Ss2002 USGS maps for 0.2 sec. spectral acceleration with 2% P.E. in 50 yrs.
2002 USGS Maps for S12002 USGS maps for 1.0 sec. spectral acceleration with 2% P.E. in 50 yrs.
ASCE 7-05 Maps for TLASCE 7-05 Code maps for Long-Period Transition Period
2008 USGS Maps for Ss2008 USGS maps for 0.2 sec. spectral acceleration with 2% P.E. in 50 yrs.
2008 USGS Maps for S12008 USGS maps for 1.0 sec. spectral acceleration with 2% P.E. in 50 yrs.
Cross Reference Index between IBC 2009 and ASCE 7-05 Codes

SubjectIBC 2009ASCE 7-05
Occupancy CategoryTable 1604.5Table 1-1
Seismic Importance FactorDefers to ASCE 7-05Table 11.5-1
Mapped 0.2 Second Period Spectral Acceleration, SsFigure 1613.5(1)Figure 22-1
Mapped 1.0 Second Period Spectral Acceleration, S1Figure 1613.5(2)Figure 22-2
Site ClassTable 1613.5.2Table 20.3-1
Acceleration-based Site Coefficient, FaTable 1613.5.3(1)Table 11.4-1
Velocity-based Site Coefficient, FvTable 1613.5.3(2)Table 11.4-2
Maximum Spectral Response Acceleration, SMSEqn. 16-37Eqn. 11.4-1
Maximum Spectral Response Acceleration, SM1Eqn. 16-38Eqn. 11.4-2
Design Spectral Response Acceleration, SDSEqn. 16-39Eqn. 11.4-3
Design Spectral Response Acceleration, SD1Eqn. 16-40Eqn. 11.4-4
Seismic Design Category Using SDS and Occupancy Cat.Table 1613.5.6(1)Table 11.6-1
Seismic Design Category Using SD1 and Occupancy Cat.Table 1613.5.6(2)Table 11.6-2
Building ConfigurationDefers to ASCE 7-05Section 12.3.2
Permitted Analytical ProceduresDefers to ASCE 7-05Table 12.6-1
Seismic Load Effects , E and EmDefers to ASCE 7-05Section 12.4
RedundancyDefers to ASCE 7-05Section 12.3.4
Deflection and Drift LimitsDefers to ASCE 7-05Section 12.12
Equivalent Lateral Force ProcedureDefers to ASCE 7-05Section 12.8
Seismic Force Resisting SystemsDefers to ASCE 7-05Section 12.2.1
Seismic Force Resisting System Coefficients and FactorsDefers to ASCE 7-05Table 12.2-1
Architectural, Mechanical, and Electrical ComponentsDefers to ASCE 7-05Chapter 13
Nonbuilding StructuresDefers to ASCE 7-05Chapter 15
Per IBC 2009 Section 1613.1, the Seismic Design Category is permitted to be determined by either the IBC 2009 or ASCE 7-05 Codes.  For all practical purposes, beyond determining the Seismic Design Category, the IBC 2009 Code defers to the ASCE 7-05 Code for seismic analysis and design. 

IBC 2006 Seismic Calculation and Seismic Loading Analysis Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet can be downloaded at Civilax VIP Section with more premium spreadsheets.

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IBC 2006 Seismic Calculation and Seismic Loading Analysis Spreadsheet